happily ever after: Christmas

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I know! We celebrated Christmas in 2008 (I realize that this post should have come before the New Year's post, please forgive!) As stated in my Christmas letter, all three guys got coal and they LOVED IT!

Me, on the other hand, got spoiled, like any princess should be. :o) My sweetie loves me SO much that he got me these, incredibly comfy, outrageously cute CROCS. (do you have a pair yet???, if not- GET SOME!) Sweetie really prefers me to wear my red stilletos around the house, but I prefer these, and no bunions! I do still wear my pearls though...

I know you're all jealous, maybe next Christmas.....oh, and please don't judge me for the nasty stain on my jeans, I'd been cleaning all day. Man, I love these shoes, can't wait to wear 'em around town, that's right folks, I live in the south, we do things classy here! :o)