happily ever after: Calvi-Bear

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I've said it before, I'm completely ruining my kids. They will definitely need counseling when they get older. But for right now, I think that I'm just keeping them humble, I'm just here to help.

So this is the nick-name that Jay gave Calvin while back. It was cute when the boy was 2. It was cute when he like to strip naked and run around the front yard. It was cute when he learned to crawl on top of the counter and steal all the cookies out of the cookie jar. It was even cute when he threw onions and potatoes at me while I was taking a shower. He was cute when he was 2. And so we gave him a cute nick-name.

But the boy is 13. Looks a little more like 15. His voice is changing. He's got a bunch of hair under his armpits. He likes girls. (Okay, he was charming the nurses in the hospital on the day of his birth). He's taller than me. But I still call him Calvi-Bear at times when I'm really not paying attention to whom might be around. Like, say, his friends.

Yep, I'm a goober.

Last night just as he was drifting off to sleep, I guess he got a text message from one of his friends (they'd been going back and forth all day on their cell phones)... it said, "oh, I almost forgot...'good night Calvi-bear'".

Calvi-Bear wasn't talking to me this morning.