happily ever after: Pretty Day

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pretty Day

After three days of it being overcast and rainy and cold we woke up yesterday to SUCH a beautiful day. It was GORGEOUS!

Please excuse the Staples truck in the picture, I never claimed to be a 'good' photographer.

Had to take Dave to Spanish this morning, Calvi was helping someone move, he's becoming quite the professional furniture mover. But while driving to class, I look over and saw what my Dave was doing....

I've never heard of someone using their laptop in the car. This boy was determined to not lose any time getting his school work done. Genius.

And while driving I saw my dream dog. Tried to ram the car, just so I could steal the dog. Dave advised me not too. Isn't he just so cute. (The dog, not Dave.)

I got a new hat at Target. Isn't it just uber cute. Love the wearing of the hat.

After picking the boys up from class, we took advantage of the pretty day and went to lunch with a dear friend and then ran to Target. This is what Calvin thought he needed. Wow. (But dang he's handsome with his new haircut.)

And I made the first apple pie of the season to take to small group. And that would be my Grandma's rolling pin. Haven't used that thing since I was a kid. Pretty cool. And the pie was epic. And the time with our small group was precious.