happily ever after: A Cozy Day

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Cozy Day

It rained yesterday. But it was all cozy inside. Dave went to work with Dad for the day and I got Calvin all to myself. Love that boy.

While I was taking this photo, the cat snuck inside the house and we didn't find her till later that night, apparently Calvin had been hiding her and snuggling with her while he did his school work. Stinker. Calvin, not the cat, the cat is adorable.

I had to do a major grocery shopping run, so I drove to my old Target, got myself a Pumpkin Spice latte and loaded up the buggy. Then I went on a drive, enjoying the rain, my coffee & some old familiar territory. Miss this place.

Last night Sweetie & I were craving vegetables. So along with our chicken cassoulet I cooked up some brussel sprouts. Oh my goodness, such yumminess.