Okay, first we're up till 12:30am. Because the Chargers won, and they're goin' to the playoffs and we were on a high and decided to clean upstairs before going to bed. Yeah, we're a little strange.
But then Sweetie and I weren't that tired. Yeah, after I turned out the light, he was asleep in less than a minute. I'm not talking to him anymore. I laid there...tossing and turning. I was hungry. If I'm ever up after 11pm, I have to eat again. So I get up and have a bowl of cereal. Then I have to check email and websites. At 2am I go back to bed.
I lay there, AGAIN, tossing and turning. The man is snoring. I remember not that long ago, I used to think that his snoring was cute. He'd only do it when he had a cold, so I'd just let him snore. It wasn't anything obnoxious, just a gentle snore and I could easily turn him over and he'd stop.
Let's just say that things have changed. He's not so cute anymore. I would just start to fall asleep and he'd start up again. I actually put my hand under his head and lifted it up off the pillow, still snoring. I pushed on his arm to turn him over, nothing, still snoring. I gently kicked him with my foot, nothing, still snoring. Then I kicked him (not so gently), nothing, still snoring. I yell out, "oh my gosh, are you kidding me?"...nothing, still snoring.
Then I remember buying these lovely little pink squishy foamy treasures from heaven that you press into your ears. $2.99 and priceless! Ah the sleep, sweet sleep. 4 1/2 hours of blissful silent sleep.
I might need a nap today.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sleep, Sweet Sleep
with love from... Dena
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Sorry, Mrs. Claus has come down with a lovely Christmas Cold. She spent most of Christmas Eve in bed. I had to miss our church's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, I was SO bummed. I had been looking forward to it for at least a month. But all the rest did me good, I was able to wake up with lots of Christmas energy for the boys. :o)
So as promised a little tour of us at Christmastime...
I made my Grandmother's rolls to take to our friends house for dinner. They are scrumpcious.
This is also what I was up to today...Red Velvet Cake and Mini Poundcakes.
This doesn't really have anything to do with it, but apparently I think Jay is bigger than he really is. I got him these new pajama pants, and yes, we could both fit in them. Please excuse my bed head.
The boys got legos. Lots of legos. Oh the joy!
"Dumb and Dumber"
I normally get the boys pajamas that I make them open up on Christmas eve and wear that night, so they look all cute for the Christmas morning photos. But they are getting a little big for matchy-matchy pajamas, so we got them new slippers. Croc slippers. Since they pretty much walk outside in the barefeet, socks or slippers, I decided to get them ones that are made for goin' to town in.
The china hutch that is filled with our Christmas dishes, though my lovely camera skills don't allow you to see them. Windows to the backyard.
'Merry Christmas' in the School Corner.
A Corner in the Kitchen.
Our Advent Calendar. The boys have loved this thing from the beginning. At the start of the season it's full of little wooden stars, they take one down each day and put into the manger. It's at the foot of their stairs so they can do it each morning when they come down.
The Stockings; we hang the Jesus stocking in the middle. We write letters to Jesus, of what we'd like to give him this year, then we stuff them inside. And yes, we are that lame to actually have stockings for our animals and they actually get filled.
The Nativity Set my Mama & Daddy gave me. It replaces the little wooden one that I got before I was even married. The boys used that one upstairs in their rooms. But the boys are in charge of all the nativities in the house. Each day they get re-arranged just a little bit different. Because we're guessing that the animals probably got a little restless during that time and needed to move a bit. :o)
I do so much baking and cooking during this time, this is the corner I keep all my cookbooks that I'm gonna use. That little angel was given to me by my sister years ago, I absolutely love it and her crazy wire hair.
Merry Christmas, I'm off to take a shower and dress for dinner. I hope y'all have a very special Christmas with those that you love.
with love from... Dena
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Times
Took the boys to see "Bolt in 3D" yesterday. Too fun. I giggled and laughed and clapped through the whole thing. Too cute.
More hunting went on yesterday, though they didn't see any deer. They did shoot at a telephone pole...because they could...I will never understand man.
Hope y'all have a great day.
with love from... Dena
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tales from a Tree Stand
We interrupt this Christmas break to bring you some funny stuff from a tree stand.
For those of you that don't live in the South and know that this is Deer Hunting Season; a tree stand is like a half baked, very lame tree house. Just big enough for two people to sit in and wait...and wait...and wait...and freeze.
Never mind that I learned how to shoot guns when I was young and little. Never mind that I'm still a great shot. Never mind that my dad still makes his own ammo. Never mind that I've eaten pheasant that he killed. I still don't get that whole 'can't wait to shoot and eat that thing' idea.
Anyway, I married a man that agrees with me. The oldest story of him with a gun is with his friend Don when they lived in Ramona, shooting I think rabbits. Jay wounded the thing and then couldn't bring himself to put it out of his misery. Don had to take care of it. (Don't tell him I told you, he wants people to think of himself as a big tough guy.)
Fast forward a few years. Our dog got ahold of a bunny on our property in Ramona and didn't 'kill' it all the way. So Jay had to take care of it. He nearly lost it and was a little bummed the rest of the day.
SO, now we live in the South. Down the street from Jay's best friend. Who likes to go hunting. Has trained all his kids to hunt. Their youngest got his hunting license before he turned one. His oldest can skin a deer like no one else, all the while wearing her diamond dangle earrings. (She's gonna be a treasure for her future husband.)
Sweetie's first encounter with hunting was to go with Don to hunt the Groundhogs that were destroying his parents property at the plantation. Jay was not too pleased. It was cold. It was boring. He kept complaining and wondering why they couldn't just hunt from inside the cab of the truck drinking a Starbuck's. They didn't get any that day.
Now our oldest, Calvin, LOVES to hunt. He loves all things weapon and outdoorsy and manly and hunting. So for Christmas last year we got him all the gear, Daddy got him a gun, we promised him the safety classes and his license. Of course that meant that Jay would have to go with him....oh the joy. So Sweetie got himself some hunting gear and the classes and his license. They've gone twice so far. And there is still just chicken and fish in my freezer. (and yes, I'm glad, cuz, don't you know we'd have to have Miss Katie from down the street come skin the thing for us.)
Last time they went I was waiting at home (praying they wouldn't get anything) and started getting these emails from Sweetie's blackberry.
Jay to Don: Is one of the two straps that hold the stand to the tree supposed to be broken? At least the top strap is still there.
Don to Jay: I know you don't want to hear this, but Stony was suppose to fix that.
(a little while later)
Jay to Don: Now what? I'm bored. Let's talk.
Don to Jay: You need to sit still.
Jay to Don: I think that is why I'm bored. Maybe if we play a little tag for an hour or so? Your it!
Don to Jay: I should have known it, you're better suited for laser tag...Just sit still for a little longer.
Jay to Don: Maybe if we could get something with a little more cushin and a small plasma TV, maybe a heater or a blanket?
(this is when Don started ignoring him, I could have taught him that and saved him a lot of trouble.)
Dena to Jay: What a goober! I'm waitin for my dinner, where is it?
Jay to Dena: Sorry, but don't tell Cathy I accidentally shot Don.
He's a treasure and I love him.
with love from... Dena
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Christmas Break
Isn't it true for most people, this time of year is very busy. I'm finding that I cannot keep up with everything I was doing before and continue blogging. So for a time this month I will be taking a break. Please forgive. I'm sure you could read the newspaper or something else just as fun to pass the time.
I'll leave you with our Christmas plans:
Making Cookies....ever since we took over the business I have the responsibility of continuing the tradition that Miss Berta started of making a zillion cookies at Christmas time for all the customers and employees. After 8 years, my rear-end is bigger but I've gotten it down to a science on getting it done. It pretty much involves jammies all day, boys running amuck, alienating my friends and lots of frozen dinners. But, oh my goodness, we have ourselves some fun doin' it!
Christmas shopping is almost done, which is good since we decided to make a last minute trip out to CA to see family and friends. Sweetie found some cheap tickets. We can do the company Christmas party (which I know everyone would have missed). The Grandparents will all be happy. I don't have to ship the cookie boxes (can I get an AMEN!) We'll only be there for 5 days, but I know it will be crammed full of fun.
The house is decorated and the tree is up. The last few years I have not enjoyed Christmas. My Christmas joy came fully from counting the days till it was over. But this year, my joy is well placed, and I'm being thankful for all the meanings of the season. I was actually excited to decorate the house, start my cookie baking, smother my mind in Christmas Carols, and be a part of all things Christmasy.
I pray that this time of year finds you joyful for all the right reasons and thankful for the Gift of His Son.
Now for some picture fun...because I just can't help myself, I have to post pictures when I blog.
(my little pyromaniacs, this is one of the things that Sweetie loves most about living out here, we get to play with fire)
(Calvin was a little put out because I hadn't posted a picture of his cat yet, so here he is, Mr. Darcy. NO we did not name him, YES he was given to us by another family, NO I don't call him by his name, I call him Kitty, YES I love Pride & Prejudice, NO he doesn't look anything like Colin Firth. YES, my son is starting to get a mustache. NO He doesn't shave yet. YES, I feel old.)
(does any other mom out there have oodles and oodles of these types of pictures on their camera?...I find them ALL THE TIME! Where could they be coming from and what am I suppose to do with them? Any ideas?)
(our tree, this one is just for Jay and I....the boys wanted their own to have upstairs with all their ornaments on it. Every ornament on this tree means something to us, I was practically in tears decorating it.)
(the stockings are hung and the fire is roaring, cuz' baby it's cold out there)
I'm off to clean the cookie dough off the wall, don't ask, but I might have been trying to cheer Calvin up while he was doing his schoolwork, by flicking cookie dough at him.
Hope you get to eat a cookie today.
with love from... Dena
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Day Off
Or rather, four days off. I love it when Sweetie doesn't have to work. Yesterday, we slept in. We did absolutely NO CHORES. Even the dishes were left till today. After breakfast we went on a drive, walk around downtown with our coffees, went to lunch at our favorite italian eatery, played frisbee golf and some football, drooled over the plasma TV's at HH Gregg, had frozen custard at our favorite yummy place, came home to a dinner of leftovers and a Christmas movie. What a perfect day.
Today will be more of the same except more work. :o) Since Sweetie wanted waffles and sausage for breakfast, it meant I had to find the sink amongst all the dirty dishes. ugh. The boys brought down all the Christmas boxes from the attic and boxed up all the Thanksgiving stuff. I think they want to turn the corner into Christmas-hood. I'll work on that today.
It's really cold today, and it's suppose to start raining at some point. So the guys are outside getting as much energy out as they can. And Jay is trying to keep up with them.
Sweetie will take me on a date tonight, which we're REALLY excited about. We haven't been on a date since before he left on his last CA trip. For two people that are used to weekly date nights, that's a long time.
I realized that our little family has a tradition that we started years ago when the boys were MUCH smaller. On Thanksgiving morning we always make out a thankful list. Each person has to write down as many things they can think of that they are thankful for. Then we share. This year, we actually didn't get to it till last night. Calvin came up with 104. Dave had a little less than that. I'd list them here if I didn't think that it would get boring after a while for all my readers. Let me just say, it makes us parents proud that we have boys that know in their hearts what's important. Nevermind that Calvin listed me as number 31 and Indiana Jones as number 11. Dave had adoption as number 4 (isn't that cute?). They both had God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as number 1. I had my mother-in-law as number 9, right after my parents. We won't say what number my parents were on Sweetie's list.
So I hope on this long weekend. You're getting just that, a long weekend. But also that you're spending time seeing what's important and what you're thankful for. And most of all, to whom you should be thankful to. I send you all warm hugs and yummy coffee in your mugs.
with love from... Dena
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Naughty Mr. Turkey
Dear Family & Friends,
Okay, I went to the fridge this morning to get Mr. Turkey out to put him into the brining solution (where he's suppose to sit for 24 hours)...and he's frozen solid STILL! Argh! Ugh! Cuss Words! What do I do now???? (Mama, Call me AS SOON AS YOU GET UP!!!!!) Emergency panic going on over here.
And please don't state the obvious that perhaps I shouldn't have bought a 23 pound turkey and only allowed 2 days in the fridge to defrost.....I need constructive ideas here people!
Please let me know what to do.... I'll be waiting.
These are my options: Take a bath with Mr. Turkey
Make a Tofu Turkey.Go kill one of the Guinea birds in Cathi's front yard (it looks close enough to a turkey).
Get turkey lunch meat and make a nice cold cuts platter.
Cry. (oh, wait, I've already done that)
Did you know that there is a Turkey Hotline. Just for women like me. 1-800-288-8372The lady didn't even laugh. And because I had to wait on hold for 15 minutes tells me that I'm not the only dunderhead in the country that messed up. Though my husband just patted my head as he left for work, and told me I was special (and not in a good way!).
So for the rest of my day I will be giving Tommy a cold water bath in the kitchen sink. Oh the joy!
I'm so thankful.
with love from... Dena
Monday, November 24, 2008
Another One of Those Annoying Emails
Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your Friends. 'press FORWARD' then change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to your friends including the person who sent it to you.
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
A dear friend sent this to me, I won't mention her name to protect her, but it might be Sara. Since I'm runnin' on empty when it comes to blog posts, thought I'd bloggity it. Your welcome. I added this when I was done, I'm SO sorry for the length and it says it's the 2008 version of this. What were the other 10 versions that got sent to me this year???
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:32am.
2. Diamonds or pearls? yes, probably diamonds.
3. What was the last film you saw? Alvin & the Chipmunks
4. What is your favorite TV show? The Office and also My Own Worst Enemy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? plain oatmeal, sliced banana, 1 T. flax seed, skim milk. and COFFEE!
6. What is your middle name? Marie
7. What food do you dislike? rare steak, horseradish, and I can't wrap my brain around sushi yet.
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I compilation of new Christian songs I just made off of itunes.
9. What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry
10. Favorite sandwich? Avocado, alfalfa sprouts, onion, tomato, lettuce, salt & pepper, some flavorful cheese, maybe cucumbers on soft whole grain bread.
11. What characteristic do you despise? people that are grumpy in general.
12. Favorite item of clothing? Jammies & Jay's socks.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii, but because I would then be oust by my family, I'd first stop in Southern California to see our loved ones.
14. Favorite brand of clothing? I'm not all brand conscious, but Eddie Bauer seems to fit my body like a glove. Thank you Mr. Bauer.
15. Where would you retire to? A little cabin in the woods. Or probably a little mobile home in a senior park.
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? my 30th when I was throwing a party for Jay for all his family and friends and he went behind my back and turned it into my 30th party. Best surprise, but then he got in trouble, because it pretty much meant that I planned my own party.
17. Favorite sport to watch? Anything my boys are in.
18. Farthest place you are sending this? Since it's going on my blog, I guess around the world. If anybody in China is interested.
19. Person you expect to send it back first? you mean comment first? Sara.
20. When is your birthday? November 15
21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning, unless I was forced to be a night person the night before, then I'm a noon person.
22. What is your shoe size? 8, was 7 1/2 until I got pregnant...what is up with THAT???
23. Pets? 2 dogs & 1 cat
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? We're thinking and praying about adoption. (again)
25. What did you want to be when you were little? I don't really remember, a flight attendant, a missionary (that didn't last long), Cinderella (I pretty much lived in la-la land most of my growing up years.)
26. How are you today? Excited, I love Thanksgiving.
27. What is your favorite candy? a 1 lb. box milk chocolate assorted See's candy
28. What is your favorite flower? Daisy
(remind me to smack Sara for sending me this...)
29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? January 23rd, my parents are coming for a visit. Yipee!
30. What is your favorite pastime? Besides napping? Besides watching a movie? Besides hanging with Jay? Besides reading a book? Cooking & Baking.
31. What are you listening to right now? The boys playing some sort of war upstairs.
32. What was the last thing you ate? a piece of toast, have your discovered the Pepperidge Farms Fruit and Nut breads yet? They are scrumptious!
33. Do you wish on stars? No, what kind of crazy do you think I am?
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? pink, so obnoxious.
35. How is the weather right now? Pretty nice, not too chilly and starting to get cloudier.
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? Josh, he was checking to see if people did indeed move into the house this weekend, or was he going to need to go kick some keester for us. (yes, we took the CA house off the market and decided to rent it out again, sweet family moved in Saturday)
37. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke (what can I say? I can't help myself!)
38. Favorite restaurant? Pei Wei, (pf changs diner)...I'd go there just for their orange green ice tea, I could drink that stuff by the gallons.
39. Real hair color? Medium brown
40. What was your favorite toy as a child? you mean besides the smashed bottle caps and old bandaids I'd collect? probably little containers of all shapes and sizes (see, I've always been an organized freak) OH MY GOSH I ALMOST FORGOT, my Snoopy doll, LOVED getting outfits for it and dressing it up. Too Fun!
(are you kidding me? this dang thing is LONG!)
41. Summer or winter? Fall & Spring.
42. Hugs or kisses? Both
43. Chocolate or Vanilla? What's vanilla? Chocolate, Amen!
44. Coffee or tea? Coffee, Thank you God for Coffee.
45. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? yep, and then they have to post it on their blog. Enjoy!
46. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, at church. After helping in the 2 year old class and then seeing Sweetie up front helping with communion, it blesses me so much that we are serving again in a church.
47. What is under your bed? Probably the cat hiding from Daisy Maiser. My yoga mat. And my traction wedge. Some stray socks. Dryer sheets. Probably a spider or two.
48. What did you do last night? Took Dave to Target to buy our Turkey. (hee-hee, took my turkey to buy a turkey)
49. What are you afraid of? Jay or the boys getting sick.
50. Salty or sweet? Sweetilicious!
51. How many keys on your key ring? 2
52. How many years at your current job? 12 years, 11 months.
53. Favorite day of the week? Sunday.
(enough already!)
54. How many towns have you lived in? 3 (La Mesa, CA - Ramona, CA - Here, NC)
55. Do you make friends easily? yah, I think so.
56. How many people will you send this to? didn't I already answer this?
57. How many people will respond? didn't I already answer this too?
Have fun now get to work.
with love from... Dena
Friday, November 21, 2008
Feeling Thankful on a Friday
1. For my Sweetie's voice on the phone this morning, he was at my Mama & Daddy's house havin' pancakes. He comes home tomorrow and I'm excited.
2. Wakin' up to snow this morning, there wasn't much. When I was running around the yard taking pictures(in my big fluffy pink robe and slippers, my neighbors love me!) it was sleeting and melting.
3. It was 40 all day with a wind chill factor of at least 10 below (just kidding). This Southern California girl chills easily. So I'm thankful for my heater.
4. Big socks and Long coats. Now I know why they were invented. Our first winter here my ankles and butt were cold. Not no more.
5. Cinnamon pinecones. I just love them. I have baskets of them all over the house.
6. Thanksgiving is finally organized. Everyone knows what to bring and to come in time for the game. I just need to remember to buy the turkey. QUESTION: When do you start defrosting the turkey? (And Mama, I know I call you every year on this, you'd think I'd write it down somewhere, but then you wouldn't feel all needed and stuff.)
7. My Christmas shopping is almost done. Oh except for the boys. Nevermind.
8. I got to organize a closet today. Something that brings me great joy. It totally needed it. I forgot to take before pictures for you. I need the evidence so my friends realize that my house is not perfect, that all the mess is just crammed into drawers and hidden behind doors. Did you read that, Theresa?
9. I finally found the cure for our stinkin' well water makin' our towels smell all mildewey. A capful of Original Concentrated Pine Sol in with the wash. I know, I know, perhaps we should get one of those lovely whole house water filtration systems....but hello??? does the word recession mean anything to you????
10. I've been hearing a lot about missions trips and adoptions lately and as I sit here in my warm house, in my comfy chair and see the wind blowing and realize it's freezing outside...I want to be thankful for what I have, but more than that I want to do something for those that don't. I'm thankful for the burden that weighs on my heart and praying for what will come of it.
Hope y'all have a Thankful day and weekend.
with love from... Dena
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Someone thinks I'm Uberlicious!
(Thanks LORI for giving me something to post about today, I was also feeling a little dry!) :o) (oh, and THANKS! You're too sweet!) :o)
About the award:Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspire you
~ make you smile and laugh
~ give amazing information
~ are a great read
~ have an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
So here are the blogs that I think are UBERLICIOUS!
My Sister's blog, because she's hilarious, makes me laugh more than anyone I know. Oh wait she doesn't have a blog, she just posts long silly comments on mine. Why doesn't she have a blog? Good question. Why do I have a blog to keep her updated on our lives and yet, I'm left in the dark over here in the East about her life. What gives Sister-Boo?
My special friend Sara's blog, because she's style conscious, always says what's on her mind, makes me laugh, and is the best friend I've ever known. Oh, wait, she doesn't have a blog either. ??? Dude, you're not allowed to be 'blog-scared' but then email me when I haven't posted in two days. Hello? And how come you get to see the latest and greatest pics of my kids but I wouldn't even recognize your kids if I ran into them, Sid and Ryan are probably wearing makeup now!
okay, seriously now....
Heidi over at Nothing But Blue Sky, because she's so incredibly honest. Her antics as a mom, SO mirror my own lovely experiences at times, it makes me laugh and miss the days when I could hold my little ones on my lap without getting a leg cramp. She's beautiful inside and out, and I prayed for her to marry Josh before I even knew who she was.
Ginny over at Empty Nest - Full Life, (this would be Lori's mom)...because she cracks me up with the old photos of her husband with a mustache, her kids nerdy clothes and makes me thankful DAILY that my parents don't blog! What WILL you do after the Chronicles of Vacations Past are over??? Please continue to dig out old photos for me to giggle at. (I just went over to her blog to get the linky and found that her daughter already nominated her, too funny, and then she nominated me, oh you sweet thang! SO I WILL stop this maddening circle and recommend some others that aren't in our blogosphere.)
Casey over at Little Baby Asher, I have yet to meet her, we have some mutual friends. I learned of her journey through them. Her heart is laid bare on her blog and it's beautiful. Her story is a sad one, but such an inspiring one. She blesses me. Go be blessed.
Big Mama, this lady is HILARIOUS! Never fails to make me laugh. And then she went on this mission trip with Compassion and made me think. Her Fashion Friday's keep me updated (which makes Sara much more happier, since she lost her job when I moved). I could be friends with this lady if I actually knew her and we lived in the same neighborhood.
Lisa, over at It's the Little Things, her blog is full of pictures (which I love) and she's a great photographer. She makes beautiful jewelry. Her little boys are too uberlicious. My best friend in High School had her hair. Her posts are short and sweet. Go, buy yourself a necklace.
Okay that's 5 with some extra fun-ness added in there.
I'm off to get my coffee and bible, it's early here, the house is quiet and the fire is callin' my name.
with love from... Dena
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A High School Reunion
I'm having a bit of anxiety this morning over a couple of emails I got this morning. How do people find you? Two friends from school emailed me. It was to join facebook AND to join my High School Class Reunion webpage. EEEEEeeeeeek!
Let me just say for those that didn't know me back then, that was NOT the best time in my life. THIS is the best time in my life. I'm VERY embarrassed to remember how I was back then. Very shy, very judgemental and it all came off a whole lot snobbish. Still to this day if I run into someone from school, I get very shy and intimidated. Why is that?
So I took a bold move and filled out the questionaire and joined the group. It was fun to go back and see all the old photos and the new updated ones. When did we all get so old? Dang.
I thought it was such great timing as I've really been convicted lately of the 'fakeness' that we seem to put on ourselves. The worry that we take on, if someone is judging us or just thinks poorly of us. Why do we care? When we are all so different anyway. We are loved by the only ONE that matters, we have family and friends that love and care for us. Why would it matter if someone thinks we're not intelligent, too chubby for her jeans, not thoughtful enough or just an overall goober. What 'cool' club are we actually trying to get into.
Do you like how I started this out to be about me and then quickly changed into it being about us all? It makes me feel better to think that all of us struggle with the same thing.
Do we have idols in our life? I know I have plenty and I'm working on beating them down. Or at least putting such a huge separation between God and the 'things' that I like in this world.
One of the struggles I've had in doing this blog is that I'm being myself here. There is just NO WAY I can be fake. And at times I get scared that I've been too transparent. What if someone thinks I'm not spiritual enough, not a good enough Christian, that I'm not a good mom or wife. What if they see me for who I am and they don't like me?
Jay has been my number one encourager to continue with this blog. What a lesson it can be in teaching me to just be me all the time, with everyone.
What's funny is that my whole life I think I'm so NOT worthy, that I'm not trying to put on 'airs'. But what it really came across as was that I did think I was 'all that' or 'not nice'. And it really was the furthest thing from my heart or mind.
Wouldn't it be cool to go to a reunion, like a High School reunion and wear a sign that said. "Hi, I'm Dena, remember me? I'm sorry if I was every rude or unfriendly to you, all I really wanted was to be your friend." What would happen then?
I have some regrets in my life. None would be earth shattering in the 'world's view', but they are devastating to me. I wish I had lived my life more on purpose back then, hadn't been so intimidated by everyone, wish I had been a better friend. But then I wouldn't be me now, probably. I guess we all have our regrets and memories and choices that we've made.
I, for one, am thankful for my life. For the family I was raised in. For the God that I have had my whole life. For the things I have learned. For the many blessings that God has blessed me with along the way. I may have those regrets and they make me sad, but what motivation to change things now.
So for all my six readers :o) thanks for reading and then coming back to read some more. :o) I enjoy reading things like this about others and hope it blesses you as much as it does me.
with love from... Dena
Monday, November 17, 2008
Before & After
This part of the yard is done.
This part and lots more, still to be done.
(see that blanket of yellow-orange-ness, that would be our lawn, covered, COVERED in pine needles)
I think the boys need ice cream for lunch today. The poor things.
with love from... Dena
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pictures of My Day
I leave the room to take a phone call, and find that Calvin is NOT at the table doing school, but laying here on the couch instead. Just before I clicked he took the lego block out of his nose. Lovely.
Dave trying to look like the brown noser he is, sitting nicely AT the table, doing his work. Doesn't he look like a Beatle with that turtle neck and harido?
After, sweetly talking to the boys and loving them into submission, here's the next photo I got.
Daisy, was looking cute and poses just nicely for her portrait. Thank you. (sorry for the blurry photo, I think I'm all jittery this morning, all the pics were coming out fuzzy.)
Just so you know, this is the state of my laundry room for the past week. I DID NOT conquer it yesterday, like I said I would. But at least you can see the floor now. And then Daisy slept in here last night, I found she'd chewed the button off Jay's favorite dress shirt. Shhhh, don't tell him. I still can't find the button, where'd it go?
with love from... Dena
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankfulness Thursday
1. It's cozy inside the house today. Looks like rain is comin'. We don't have to go anywhere today and that makes me happy.
2. Sent the boys out to rake and blow leaves. They came in 12 times to complain that they rake and then the wind just blows more leaves down. I kept sending them back out and telling them to get every last one of them. They love me.
3. Two hours later, they are done (only because I took pity on them and they need to do SOME schoolwork today). I look out at the yard and it doesn't look like they raked at all. But there is a WALL of leaves leading out to the forest. Too funny!
4. Went to Sam's Club yesterday and got lots of BIG food. I love Sam's Club. I also found these little treasures. So yummy and fun.
5. Got to have a sweet date with my Sweetie last night. Walkin' the mall sippin' on my coffee. I love it when the coffee shops come out with their Christmas cups and Reindeer blend coffee. Too yummy.
6. It's my birthday in two days. I love my birthday. I pretty much want to wear a tiara on my head all day long and announce to everyone that it is MY day.
my sister and I wearing our matching tiaras at Disneyland a few years ago, I think she still wears hers.
7. I dropped out of choir last night. Yep. I love our music at our church, the worship is always stellar and so worshipful. I love to sing, seriously, LOVE to sing. But me singing in a mediocre crowd is fine and dandy. But me singing with a group of people that took music in college, can sight read the music, have a range bigger than one note, could totally sing a solo if they needed too....well, I'm just not up to par. Many assured me that it was all fine, but I was done being humiliated and trying to screech out those songs. I kept flitting from soprano to alto, not really knowing what I sing. Finally realizing that I really sounded better with the Tenor's in the back row. I WAS NOT GOING TO STAND IN THE BACK ROW WITH THE GUYS!!!! So I quit. :o)
I'm having flash backs to ballet lessons and either being thrown out of the class (I was 8) or my parents gently suggesting I should give it up. Whatever! The same with dance class in High School. The teacher was so excited about getting me, because she'd had my sister for the 2 years before. After a few months in class she asked my sister, "What's up with Dena?" As if I was adopted and of NO blood relation to her. Whatever!
But looking forward to this season of no singing stress. So I don't care, and now Sweetie and I can have a little date night on Wednesday's when the boys are at their youth activities.
this little cedar tree in our forest, I just love it, look at it's skinny little trunk and big chubby body, too cute
8. I have a renewed sense to loose weight. Really, this time for real. I'm serious, I'm gonna do it. Don't try to stop me. And seriously, don't try to tempt me. Don't be sending me any box of See's Candy, SARA!!!! I'd say I'd post a before photo, but who are we kidding. Don't you know I go through all our photos and DELETE most of the ones of me, unless, of course, I'm standing behind someone. :o)
9. My Daisy Maiser snuggled and napped with me on the couch the other night. She loves me most out of everyone in the house. She's learning to walk on the leash EVEN better. Thanks to Miss Lynne training her this morning on our walk, thanks Miss Lynne, you're the best! She's such a sweetie puppy, even if she did pee on Calvin yesterday in the car AND peed under the dining room table this morning. I still love her, and I'm thankful for the no carpets.
10. The guys are going hunting today. First time this season for the two of them. That would be Calvin and Sweetie. It was Calvin's Christmas present last year to get his gear, safety classes, license & gun. Of course, Sweetie swiftly figured out that that would mean he'd have to go as well. :o) He's a happy-happy man. I'll post pictures tomorrow of them all suited up and please join me in prayer today that they won't actually kill anything, because I like getting my meat from the grocery store, where God intended us to get it. Thank you very much.
Have a Thankful Day.
with love from... Dena