I got this Meme from the lady over at 'wheat-free clan'..thought it sounded like fun. Copy and paste the following into your own blog and then blog face any that are true for you. I added commentary to make it a little bit more interesting. It's a slow blog week here.
1. Started your own blog (hello)
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band Does playing the piano during worship time at church count?
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity Then had to confess to Sweetie..he didn't know how to get mad at me for that one.
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo I think I did when I was a kid in the church Christmas Musical. I'm sure I could win an award.
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping okay, since my Mama wanted to know...college trip to Lake Mead, Jay & I were already married (whew), late at night, us girls thought we'd paddle on our rafts out to the middle of the cove and then we decided to take our suits off and be silly. Completely innocent and oh my goodness, so freeing! :o) Your welcome!
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29 Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset Both
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors I think so.
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing Yes, but it was a rented rock wall the my sister-in-law got for her kids birthday party....doesn't that count???
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41 Sung karaoke Does singing along to High School Musical 'Sing-a-long version' count?
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurantI bought it, but it was Calvin's idea and he delivered it.
44. Visited Africa
45 Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing No, but Sweetie has.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling Snorkeling, didn't like it.
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud Boys were VERY young, rain storm, livin' in the country. Let 'em play in the mud, then strip 'em down, play in the warm bath and then give 'em hot chocolate. Too fun!
54. Gone to a drive-in theater Even watched some of the movie!
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business Bought a business.
58. Taken a martial arts class Yes, but then dropped out after two weeks. There were scary ladies in there that could have killed me if they wanted to.
59. Visited Russia
60 Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason Thanks, Sweetie.
64 Donated blood, platelets, or plasma no.
65. Gone sky diving
66 Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp No, but Sweetie did.
67 Bounced a check Get this, my tithing check at church. Yep, pretty much think I'm goin' to hell for that one.
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial Moved me to tears, as my kids were reading the words aloud.
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt Don't ask me if it's finished.
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job Yes, after two weeks. Totally humiliating.
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone My left arm when I was eight.
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79 Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car First year we were married, Sweetie surprised me by taking me to the dealership and buying me a new car. It was for Christmas. I loved that 1991 white Ford Escort. Drove it till Calvin was born.
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the paper
85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Visited the White HouseNo, but I stood in front of it and waved to the President...he could have seen me and probably waved back.
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life No, but Sister Vicki saved Dave's life when he was born by alerting the nurses that he still wasn't breathing and was turning blue. They had turned their attention to me and the little emergency that had developed in his birth. All turned out okay, but we are thankful for Sister Vicki.
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club I think Sara and I were going to start our own little book club last year. Hey, Sara, did you ever read that book?
93. Lost a loved one Grandpa Clyde, Grandma Euna, Grandpa Davis
94. Had a baby Two; one c-section, one regular
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake but I have swam in A lake.
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Dang, I pretty much see that I need to travel more, take more risks and not get grossed out by bugs and raw food.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mememememememememe (UPDATED for my Mama)
with love from... Dena