I've been bad, oh so bad. I've had lots of stories popping up in my mind, which I know would be SO blog worthy, but then I find something better to do with my time and forget it. Then there is the every-other-day feeling that I'm going to stop this whole blog thing. I go between feeling guilty for not posting regularly, to feeling like my posts are just a sign of my 'full of myself-ness', to realizing that it really is just to update my loved ones on the west coast about our happenings. So here I am, the boys are tackling their VERY long chore list before school. My walk is postponed till the temp gets above 40, I'm hoping by 2pm today I can go outside. The laundry is whirling, the dishes are NOT done, and yesterday's school work is still NOT graded. But I'm here for you, folks, just for you. :o)
We interrupt this bloggity post to tell you what I just spied out the window. Thing One (that would be Calvin) is using the blower to blow the leaves out of the garage, off the front porch, walkway and driveway....I look out and he's got his other hand held out in front of him as if he's using 'the force' to move the leaves back. Too funny, and maybe a bit too much Star Wars watching goin' on.
The Daisy Dog (as I so lovingly call her now) is not growing. I mean it's like she's stopped. I wanted a bigger dog, you know Golden Retriever size. She's Winston size. I look at her paws for signs that she has to grow into them, and they pretty much match the rest of her. I'm sad. She's cute, but small. She's small, but still oh so fluffy and soft and good to cuddle with.
The Daisy Dog is learning REALLY well. She's trained on her collar that keeps her in the yard. So now she can run amuck with the Winston all day and come in for cuddles whenever she wants. The best part is I get my laundry room back. Oh the laundry was in such a sad state. We had to keep it all in the small hallway outside the door with a baby gate in the doorway. Trying to lift laundry over the baby gate while dodging the little ball of fur nipping at your heals was NO FUN so I just let everyone run out of socks and underwear. That lasted for just about a week and a half, then Sweetie got mighty cranky. :o)
It's pickin' cold here. It's windy, which I don't like, 'cause that means all the pretty leaves will fall down faster. Sweetie likes this, he wants it over sooner than later. He's no fun. 'Course he's the one that has to do the leaf chores. I get to sit inside, sippin' my coffee and watch from the warm comfy chair. :o)
Our season's sports are over. And we are actually sad. I miss football. I miss visiting with my friends at the field. We look forward to basketball season. That's right, both boys will be playing basketball starting this winter. They are too excited.
We decided we won't be traveling for the holiday's this year. I'm sort of thankful, cause it makes our Christmas a little less stressful. Plus, it's giving us the opportunity to invite friends over that also don't have family in the area and pray we can be a blessing to each other.
Sweetie got onto a thought wave of moving to a little neighborhood that is just opening up and RIGHT ON A GOLF COURSE. The houses are really cheap. So I went out there yesterday and checked out their models. Cute, cheap, further away from stores (which could be SUCH a blessing)....but not as pretty as where we live. I'd miss the pretty drive through the trees, by the lake. I'd miss our home, that I'm convinced more and more each day is such a blessing from the Lord. I mean, I didn't get to go shopping for just the right house when we moved here, it was this one or nothing. I didn't even get to see it until we were already in the throws of buying it. But isn't that just how God works things out? We left it to him, and he took care of it. It fits us and feels like home. Plus, I'd miss our neighborhood.
Yep, this past weekend was the annual Halloween Neighborhood Party. We all get together for a hot dog BBQ, Pumpkin Carvin' contest, Costume contest, Hayride pulled by tractors down the street to all the neighbors giving the kids candy. It's so much fun and the kids look forward to it every year. It was a little sad this year, as last year was when my sister was in town and she was with me throwing candy at the beggin' children. Good memories.
I don't have any good photos of things. Sorry. You'll have to live with these. Enjoy. And have a good week.
(ah, homeschooling in the country. it's recess time, both boys are still in their jammies and it's 11:30)
(this was obviously during a much warmer week, hence the lovely tank top and no socks on my boy)
(this was at one of Calvin's games, it was MUCH colder than we had anticipated, and with us being 45 mins from home, I had to run to the nearby store to get the Dave a sweatshirt, he put it on and I went weak in the knees. Sweetie was out of town at the time, and this is pretty much his uniform; faded Levis and a grey hooded sweatshirt. With Dave lookin' so much like his Daddy anyway and then the outfit, awww, I couldn't resist)
(cuddlin' with my Davester)
(i know, I'm sorry, as if you didn't have ENOUGH pictures of the kid in his uniform, but dang, he's good lookin'!)
(Daisy Dog)
UPDATED: This is how out of it I really am, I had already posted a couple of these pictures. Your welcome.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hey, Howdy, Hey
with love from... Dena
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Thankful on a Thursday
1. Car Drives. The long drive I ended up having Monday night after I got lost and then finally found the dog training class, but then decided I was too late to go, then drove trying to get to Dave's game on time. Spent about and 1-1/2 hours in the car, just me and the puppy, singing at the top of my lungs, being thankful for my little car and getting to live where I do. And yes, I made it to Dave's game, in time to see him do two great plays at second base, what a stud. (this is him swinging)
(this is him at bat, when Jay has the camera....whatever!)
2. Waking Early. The early morning walk I was going to go on with a new neighbor friend, but then she called, she overslept. But that means, I'm up and the boys aren't and I'm enjoying the quiet to myself.
3. Feeling Cozy. My warm cozy home and the crisp cool outside. The leaves are changing and they fall slowing onto my car when I drive down our highway. Sweetie says, it's really leaves dying and he makes moaning and sad groaning noises when he sees them, he tries to ruin it, but it doesn't work, I still love it.
4. Rugs. My braided rugs I put down all over, because the hardwoods are a little chilly first thing in the morning now. But then we rolled them up and put them back in the attic, because, hello?, there's a new puppy in the house.
5. Football. Snuggled up with other moms watching our boys play football on Saturday morning. None of us understand the game of football, much to the disgust of our husbands. But we cheer and cringe and beam with pride at our boys. (prayer time before the game)
(my cringin' at some kid gettin' smashed)
(tackle time, again, Calvin is #38)
6. Sleep. Had to be at the airport at 4am. Came back home and slept till 9am. Came out my bedroom door to a very disgruntled Dave. He'd been up for an hour, and wonders why we would sleep when there is so much to do. MY son Calvin got up an hour after me. Love that boy, he appreciates his sleep. Dave, I just don't understand him.
7. Recess. I sent the boys out this morning, in between subjects to get some air and play with the puppy. Then I realized they were both still in their p.j.'s. Ah, life in the country. (Dave trying to catch little Daisy Mae, she's fast)
8. Tea. So caffeine makes my heart race, really bad. Artificial sweeteners give me whoppin' headaches. My butt & gut doesn't like all the decaf coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 and sugar....so I'm back trying to drink tea. I'm on my fourth cup of decaf green tea this morning. So far so good. But what am I suppose to drink with my McDonald's Happy Meal???
9. Fall Cooking. It's time for Pumpkin Pie, Apple Crisp, Stews in the Crockpot, all things warm and comforting. (I realize that I should have taken a picture of the yummy and gorgeous Apple Crisp that I made, but I was too busy, finding a spoon.)
(This poor little car had a wipe out on my counter and this is now where he rests.)
10. Lists. I had a giant 'To Do' list in the office this week. I have conquered it all. Now I just sit back and bask in my done-ness.
Hope y'all have a great week!
with love from... Dena
Thursday, October 9, 2008
meaning 'Laugh out Loud', it does not mean 'Later on Loser', which is what my husband thought 'LOL' meant. He also thought that it might mean, 'Lots of Luck' either way, when I enlightened him, he was glad that his one friend that texts him, isn't really trying to be mean. Now Sweetie embraces his texting ability by leaving the house each day with, "LOL LOL LOL.... Lots of Luck (with the boys today), Later on Loser (because that's how we flirt), Laughin out Loud (all the way to his truck)"....Whatever!
Okay. I needed a good laugh today, something to bring me out of my quiet-ness today. And here it is....go....laugh....and share. Giggle on over to Confessions of a Pioneer Woman and read today's post, she busts me up on a regular basis, but today was clearly a post of all time. Enjoy....
Does anyone know how I can get 1000 or so of these printed out in bumper sticker form? And don't tell anyone, I've been looking for something to pass around at the homeschooler's convention next year. oh, oh, oh, or better yet, to pass out to all the homeschooler's at our church....oh yeah, that'd be a good one.
with love from... Dena
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Not So Thankful Tuesday
Crayola Lady is teaching me to be Thankful. But it's not working so well today.
1. Oh, I'm thankful for Fall, but my hiney is NOT thankful for Pumpkin pie.
2. I'm thankful for the holidays coming, but I'm NOT thankful that we might just be at home listening to the crickets without our extended families with us. colors are starting to change in the yard
3. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mom, but right now, I want to flee the nest.
4. I'm thankful for caffeine, but my heart doesn't like it. I'm thankful for naps, because without caffeine, that's all I do anymore, is nap. Or is tiredness a symptom of depression? And eating ones weight in pumpkin pie ALSO a symptom of depression? and colors are starting to change around the lake
5. I'm thankful for cooler weather, but now my laundry piles are bigger.
6. I'm thankful for diet coke, but I can't drink it ANYMORE, and if any of you out there, catches me with one again, you have my permission to blog-slap me. that little tree is extra eager for fall
7. I'm thankful for blogs that encourage me (thank you Lori & Heidi), and SO wish that I had better writing skills. I realize that I should erase all evidence on this blog that I home school my kids, y'all are scared for them, aren't ya?
8. I'm thankful for my puppy, I'm thankful for my puppy, I'm thankful for my puppy, even though she's turned into a frantic ball of fur and chewing frenzy. She's a cutie. (oh, side-note, her name will remain "Daisy Mae", I was all ready to take a vote with the family on Friday morning and they all voted NO on callin' her Lucy Lou, they REFUSE to use the new name....and Dave voted to start calling her 'Roadkill', I'm not talking to him anymore. SO Daisy Mae remains.) and...I have no idea where this came from, but it showed up in my pictures, I'm thinking some little boy had something to do with it....
9. I'm thankful for Walmart, Supercenter. THE Walmart. The chance to save money, the chance to get EVERYTHING on my list at one stop. I am, however, not thankful for the agonizing experience that is shopping at THE Walmart. It is a never ending task. I mean, that store is so pickin' big, you get lost and lost and you feel older, dirtier and definitely crankier when you exit. I was completely exhausted when I left there yesterday. And that was WITH Calvin pushing the cart. I'm trying this new thing of making out the week's menu and doing ALL the shopping in one day....I know, I know, I'm a little slow
10. I'm thankful for ebay. Somebody just shoot me now. I came into the office now, to make sure I would be watching the computer, so I would not miss out AGAIN on Dave's little book series he's intent on finishing. I had 20 mins to go till the end of the bid, decided I'd blog a post while I waited......yep, you guessed it, it's passed, I blew it. (Dave just came racing into the office to see if I won....I'm now known as the Poopy Mommy, that's okay, I'm goin' to start callin' him Roadkill).
Hope Y'all Have a Happy Tuesday.
with love from... Dena
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lucy Lou
Here she is. I was trying to get her picture while I held her.
Mostly I got shots of my feet. Please excuse my obscene amount of toe cleavage, so inappropriate.
Then Sweetie took this one, she loves to just lay on you and put her head on your shoulder and snuggle.
Then I tried to get our picture together. Again, it just looks like I'm gagging her. Poor thing, so abused.
And for the record, because my Mom asked me last night, her feet DO smell like popcorn. Except for right after she comes in from outside, then they smell like grass. And right now, because she's been in my lap for 30 minutes, they smell like my perfume. Hmmmmm....Estee Lauder for Dogs.
And then we get to the reason for the title of this post. I named her Daisy, because it's my favorite flower. And because I secretly wish I was a hippie and had a daughter that I could name Daisy. And because the boys voted no on 'Gracie'. But now every time and I mean EVERY TIME I look at her, I see her as a 'Lucy'. What to do???????
Calvin is named after my Dad, his middle name. David is named after Jay's mom, his middle name. So I think it only fitting that this child is named after my mom, her middle name. Lucy-Lou. Any advice? Is it too late to re-name her? Am I totally losing it over this dog? I think so, but I don't even care.
Our bookkeeper dropped the weekly stuff off this afternoon and she just dropped it and went right to visit Daisy (Lucy), we didn't even talk about the books, we just baby talked for like 15 minutes to the dog.
Anyway, Lucy Lou, or Daisy Mae.......I need votes people. Thank you very much!
Updated: Jay thinks that I'm calling her Lucy Lou after the actress Lucy Liu. He's ruining it for me. Not that I have anything against Lucy Liu, but I was thinking more along the lines of Lucille Ball, my Mama Lou, and the sweet & cute little girl my sister's friend has. Lucy LOU, people. NOT, Lucy LIU. Thank you.
with love from... Dena