happily ever after: Happy New Year

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

We partied last night. Oh how we partied. We drove all the way into town to get a Goodberry's and then found it closed. So then we drove to the grocery store, cuz we needed some New Year's Dessert, and Sweetie sent me and the davester in....HUGE mistake. You don't send the two sugar bandits into the grocery store for dessert. We came out with desserts for a month.

We then hunkered down in our living room to watch a movie and taste all four ice cream flavors.

This is where the partying starts. After the movie, Sweetie and I went to bed. It was 10pm. Our boys were disgusted with us and our lameness. But we didn't care. They stayed up and watched movies and probably ate more ice cream, I really don't know, cuz I really didn't care.

There you have it, our wild New Year's Eve, we're so crazy.

Happy New Year everybody!!!

(And can I just say that it was WAY more special to wake up to the New Year nice and early and spend some quiet time in my chair, just me and the Sweetie, our coffee and our God. It was good for my soul.)

**these pictures are our 'Christmas Pictures' for the 'Christmas Cards' that I didn't send out. So we are making them into 'Happy New Year Cards', cuz that's how we roll! Enjoy!