We're all tucked in this morning.
It's really cold outside, so sweetie and I are bundled in the sun room.
One of my favorite times of day.
I'm doing some crocheting. This one might be for my sister, but shhhhhhh, don't tell her, I want it to be a surprise.
My Dad sent me this picture this morning, labeled "things to pack". He's hilarious. But look at those faces, such cuteness.
Last week he sent me this photo. We were doing a work day at the church, on the new Sunday School building. I don't remember the boys being that helpful, but they were cute, so it's doesn't matter.
I got this picture sent to me too. That would be my classy Mama shooting there. I get to see these two tomorrow. So excited.
Daddy doesn't like it when I post pictures of them on my blog, so he sent me this 'approved' picture. It's a nice likeness of them, I think.
(Cal-Poo's leg, right after the Doc got done casting it.)
The boy had a pretty good day yesterday. Sleeping till late, phone call from Mimi & Papa, Mama setting him up in the bonus room with all his stuff around him and a box of donuts by his side. He finally took a shower, wow, that was fun. Then last night some friends came over to see him and he just loved it. Everyone signed his cast and Grant got to spend the night. The boy is being spoiled, and wouldn't vacuum yesterday for me, goober. And I found out that it's a lot of fun to tickle his toes that are sticking out from top of his cast. Love that guy.