I don't like summer. I cannot tell you how happy I am right now, it's in the 50's outside this morning and it's September 1st. Summer is coming to an end and Autumn is almost upon us. But in the continuing effort to be thankful in all things, here is my Thankful List for Summer:
1. Summer Storms, thunderstorms to be exact. My goodness they are scary and powerful. I have screamed so many times, once when sitting on the front porch enjoying, and lightning struck down right next to me. Once driving home in it and the lightning was striking on both sides of the car. And then this past week, while sitting in a class with the boys, lightning struck right outside the window, I screamed and then proceeded to climb into Dave's lap. He was none too thrilled. Goober.

2. Time at the Pool....floating around the lazy river on a tube with my book...ah, relaxing. (this is the picture I took to show my sister that I wear a floppier hat than her at the pool)

3. Sweetie and I got to spend a whole week at the beach, just the two of us, one of our very best trips away together. Precious.

4. Wearing flip flops everyday. Me lovey the flippity-floppers. (these are my spenco's, they are so comfy and are very busy rebuilding my arches this summer)
5. A renewed appreciation for the Air Conditioner, I want to kiss the inventor of that contraption!
6. Sonic Ice, it doesn't get any better than those perfect little morsels floating in my diet coke.
7. No homeschooling, nothing else needs to be said about that one.

8. Everything outside is just so green, beautiful. (this is the view from the sunroom of our back yard.)

9. The kids have their Epic Summer Camp and come home so excited & happy. Just love their time there and what they come home with. (apparently my boys are yahoos at camp, just like they are at home.)
10. It stays lighter outside later. For this girl that thinks it's bedtime when it gets dark outside, my family loves that I'm not making them go to bed at 5pm.
For all these things and probably many more, I am thankful for Summer and what it brings.